Thursday, January 28, 2010

moo moo mr. cow

So people have been asking and telling me for "more post, more post, more post!!" (aahheeemm Barrett) but let me just tell you that I find writing everyday or every few very hard. Im not good at just sitting down and telling you what we have been up to the last few days. Im sure you don't want to hear that 'I went to the grocery store today and then I went to Barnes and Nobel for 2 hours and then I came home and watched Martha Stewart, blaah blah blahhh...". I am way better at telling stories of something that happened or waiting a week or two and telling a big congloberation of what we've been doing. Trust me, I've tried to sit down and just type about the last few days or something profound, but it just didn't work. I felt like I was in Cooper Library again desperately trying to type out a 5 page PRTM paper about Tourism Trends in the Mountain South. shoot me in the foot! There's my disclaimer for the day.

Next. Just to update you on our moving status. We are currently still in Wilmington, Delaware. Chris is still working in his cute office cubical on a project that will be "going to construction" in mid-february in NYC. The people he is designing a small tank for have not been cooperating with CBI and giving them answers about what they want, therefore pushing the project back. So we will continue to be here for another 2 weeks or so. Thats if the silly NYC people decide to give Chris some answers! 2nd Disclaimer of the day: If you are reading this silly NYC people, we would like to move on with our lives, SOOO if you could makes a decision on where you want the darn opening of the tank to be, that would be great. thanks. its funny how people have no idea that they are affecting/effecting (don't know which one) your life.

Now. I would like to tell you about the Pennsylvania Farm Show we went to. It was quite fun and amazingly smelly. Its like the farm section at your local fair. But the whole point of bringing your animals to the show is for the incredibly intense competition. Who has the best cow? who's 4 head of sheep are the cleanest? who's rooter crows the loudest? Which bunny has the longest ears? Along with the animal competition you have Hunky Husband's favorite part. Farm Show FOOD! The best milkshakes you've ever tasted. I think they use heavy whipping cream. Deep fried mozzarella balls with marinara sauce and Donuts that would make you slap your mama!

"Don't Fence Me In"

They judge by looking at the butts of all the animals. "would ya take a look at thataone ovr therr" "now isn't she purty." "now thats what ya call a butt boys" I imagine this is what their commentary is.

These cows are treated like royalty.

Life is rough.

I wanted all the bunnies. Riggs would love having a friend.

"Im sorry but I have issues with my ears." I could just wrap myself up in those things!

the loudest room ever.

Life isn't fair.

Mom. Dad. You need to invest in some of these. now.

They have all that craziness because it will attract and impress a mate. Im so glad God decided to take it down a notch and just give men hair.

Yet again, life isn't fair.

Baked goods competition. Hunky Husband wanted to be a judge.

Yes, that is a butter sculpture. It was Paula Deen's idea.

Those would be the deep fried mozzarella balls. Heaven on a stick.

A bib for a sheep so he doesn't get himself dirty.

Sheep love

"Nnnooooooooooo, please sir, pllleaaaassseeee!"

More butt judging.

Death by milkshake.


I decided to judge. "you there! second from the right! Winner!"

Finally something Hunky Husband's size! We'll take two please.

2 peas in a pod. one day i will have you. you, me, and my boots will live a long and happy life together.

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